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Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers

Book Description

Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers features two distinct sections that lead to a simple migration path for you to move toward Visual C++ 2005 development. If youre an experienced developer approaching Visual C++ from a C# background with .NET 1.1 or 1.0, youll greatly benefit from this book. The first section introduces the Visual C++ 2005 technology, then outlines the language in fast-track chapters. This overview focuses on the mechanics of the language, without introducing any coding. Additional chapters cover the techniques and issues involved when converting C# applications to Visual C++ 2005.

The next portion of the book functions as a detailed reference to Visual C++ 2005providing information and advice about the technology and its coding techniques. Here you can dip into it as necessary for assistance with your work. This material supplements the information that is already freely available within Visual Studio .NET 2005. With its thorough regard for Visual C++ 2005, this book will earn a place on your shelf as a helpful reference for years to come.

About the Author
Dean C. Wills is a freelance programmer with over 20 years' experience
in system programming areas such as BIOS, assembly language, C, and
C++. He is the owner of Sandpaper Software and has worked for companies
like Compucorp, Cyrix, National Semiconductor, and Virtio. He
was a developer on the Visual C++ front end during the Visual Studio 2005
ship cycle.

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